a minute walk from oiso beach
Myorinji cemetery
Kanagawaken Nakagun
Oisomachi Oiso 1582
Myorinji Buddhist temple

About Myorinji Temple
~ Please come in ~
Just a minute walk from Oiso Beach
Myorinji is a Buddhist temple located in Oiso Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, with a history of more than 700 years.
The eternal memorial grave "Tensei-byo" is located on the precincts of Myorinji Temple.
There is a free temple yoga lesson for the temple members and the locals. Myorinji has a medical facility attached to the temple that offers low cost treatment.
Myorinji's gate is always open.
You are all welcome.

What is goshuin?
A goshuin (red stamp) is a seal stamp given to worshippers and visitors to Buddhist temples.
Rev. Kumazawa , the head priest of the Myorinji temple is an Buddhist painting artist who is well known overseas.
The seal stamps are often collected in books called goshuincho that are sold at temples.
You can purchase one at Myorinji.
There are two types of goshuin at Myorin-ji Temple.
1. Write directly on the goshu incho.
2. Kakioki (already written goshuin paper)
Kakioki (already written goshuin paper) will be awarded at any time between 9am to 5pm. You don't need to make a reservation for the already written goshuin paper.
(It may not be awarded depending on the temple's events)
If you want goshuin written directly on the goshuincho, please make a reservation before your visit to the Myorinji.
If there is no reservation before your visit, Myorinji will not write goshuin directly on your goshuincho.
Only one type of goshuin will be awarded each time you visit to Myorinji.

~ Goshuin artist ~
Rev. Kumazawa, the chief priest of Myorinji temple is a famous goshuin artist not only in Japan but also overseas.
Many worshipers visit Myorin-ji Temple to receive his goshuin.
Each goshuin contains the prayer of Rev. Kumazawa.
Goshuin is not just a Buddhist painting, but a guardian deity that contains the souls of Buddhist gods.

Types of Myorinji Goshuin

Regular Goshuin

2nd time visiter only
"Karura-o" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

5th time visiter only
"Ashura-o" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

8th time visiter only
"Ryuto-ki" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

Regular Goshuin

"Bishamon-ten" 2 Pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

3rd time visiter only
"Jogyo-Bosatsu" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

4th time visiter only
"Kannon-bosatsu" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

6th time visiter only
"Hachidairyu-o" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

9th time visiter only
"Aizenmyo-o" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

7th time visiter only
"Tento-ki" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

10th time visiter only
"Ina-mon 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

After 10th time visit
From 11th time visit, It will be all Secret Goshuin

Limited to those who received "Daikoku-ten" charms on gachagacha
"Daikoku-ten" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

Limited to those who received "Gokaku-mamori" charms on gachagacha
"Komoku-ten" 2 pages Goshuin
(No already written one available)

Birth month only
"Birthday" Goshuin
(No already written one available)

Blessing Goshuin
It will be awarded to someone who received Kito Blessing at Myorinji.
(No already written one available)

Monthly Goshuin
Special monthly Goshuin available each month.
(No already written one available)

Shakyo (sutra-coping) Goshuin
Myorinji shakyo practice participants , or visiter who wrote and brought the Hoben-pon Shakyo papers to the temple, will be awarded 4 pages "aun" goshuin.
You can download shakyo paper from here .
(No already written one available)

Shakyo (sutra-coping) Goshuin
Myorinji shakyo practice participants , or visiter who wrote and brought the Jiga-ge Shakyo papers to the temple, will be awarded 4 pages "Kigan no bokken" goshuin.
You can download shakyo paper from here .
(No already written one available)

Shakyo (sutra-coping) Goshuin "Kannon-ge"
Myorinji shakyo practice participants , or visiter who wrote and brought the Kannon-ge Shakyo papers to the temple, will be awarded 4 pages "Sanmen-Daikokuten" goshuin. You can download shakyo paper from here .
(No already written one available)

Shakyo (sutra-coping) Goshuin "Jinriki-ge"
Myorinji shakyo practice participants , or visiter who wrote and brought the Jinriki-ge Shakyo papers to the temple, will be awarded 4 pages "Suiko-chozetsu" goshuin. You can download shakyo paper from here .
(No already written one available)

~ VR Myorinji Temple ~
Wearing VR goggles covers the 360 ° field of view, giving you the feeling of being immersed in a world that is as close to reality as possible.
By experiencing "VR Myorinji Temple" using VR goggles, you can experience as if you were at Myorinji Temple, wherever you are in the world.
With "VR Myorinji Temple", you can worship at Myorinji Temple in virtual reality, meditate in the main hall in Myorinji Temple, do rituals, and experience as a priest.

Permanent memorial grave start at 100,000 yen
"Tensei-byo" is for the following people
No children or successors
Those who want to have a memorial service, but who have difficulty holding a grave for expenses
Those who have the remains of a loved one but no grave
For those who are thinking about having the grave
Who likes quiet grave, or those who like the sea

Sea burial ceremony for 50,000yen
In recent years, those who do not have family graves and wish for sea burial are increasing.
However, it is said that some of the bereaved families feel lonely and guilty after doing sea burial as the deceased wanted.
For such people, the head priest of the Myorinji, who is also a first-class marine pilot, steers the ship himself and performs sea burial with the Buddhist memorial service.
Myorinji has hundreds of years of sea burial history since the temple is just a minute from the Oiso beach.
The sea burial is carried out in Chigasaki Shonan, a point more than 3 nautical miles (6 km) from the land, and in an area away from the fishery and aquaculture area in the direction of "Eboshiiwa" seen from Chigasaki "Southern Beach" ..
After the sea burial, the “Eboshiiwa” replaces the monument of the deceased.

If you can not bring your ashes to us, you can send it to us
If you live far away or have physical disabilities, such as those who cannot bring your ashes directly to us, we will take care of your ashes by "Sokotsu" the bone transfer.
After applying through the internet, you will receive a bone transfer set from Myorinji.
You can put your remains in the bone transfer box and mail it to us.
All bone transfer costs are included in the fee. We accept ashes from the whole country by mail.

A funeral ceremony, cremation, graves for animals
Pets and animals who live with us are members of an important family.
We believes that a funeral ceremony is necessary for the departure of pets.
It's not only for pets ... but also for the bereaved.
"Myorinji Pet Funeral" is dedicated to helping a pet who has been an important family member set off.

The head priest of the Myorinji
Riju Kumazawa
Riju spent in the United States since childhood because of the father's overseas missionary work.
Studied in medical school in United States and in China. Riju got a medical license and is currently active as a healthcare professional involved in emergency care for trauma and other injuries.
Riju became a priest because the father who was the head priest of the Myorinji passed away.
Riju is a master of the Shomyo, Shuho, and the Gagaku. Riju is also an Buddhist painting artist who is well known overseas.
The head priest of the Myorinji
Oiso Town Buddhist Association Chairman
Nichiren sect. Kanagawa Association Counselor
Nichiren sect Shingyo Dojo Priest school Educational Supervisor
Saijo Inari Kenshukai priest
CEO of Myorinji Medical Center
Jiin Kakumei (Temple Revolution) CEO
Myorinji Records CEO
[Gongyo] Nichiren Sect's daily prayer CD amazon
[Gongyo] Nichiren Sect's daily prayer digital iTunes Google play
Kanagawaken Nakagun Oisomachi Oiso 1582
Tel 0463-61-0749
FAX 0463-61-8899