Japamala making workshop
Making beads
"Japala" is a legal tool used for Buddhist affairs.
We hold irregular workshops on beads made from various natural stones that the chief priest has obtained all over the world.
Why don't you make only one bead at Myorin-ji in the world where the various gods who are your guardian deities live?
Japamala must be "opened"
It ’s just “beads”
The natural stones used in the Myorin-ji bead making workshop are all "kaigen" natural stones that contain the souls of the various gods of Myorin-ji.
グリーンアベンチュリン【観音菩薩】開眼 ネガティブな思考からの解放し精神を安定させる天然石。 (産地:ジンバブエ) |
紫ヒスイ【不動明王】開眼 周囲に漂う邪気や悪意を、強力に防ぐ天然石。 (産地:グアテマラ) |
白ヒスイ【鬼子母神】開眼 ポジティブな力により安らぎを与える天然石。 (産地:ミャンマー) |
オニキス【大黒天】開眼 運気を上げて自分の能力を引き出してくれる天然石。 (産地:インド) |
水晶【八大龍王】開眼 あらゆるものを浄化し清める力がある天然石。 (産地:マダガスカル) |
ローズクォーツ【愛染明王】開眼 女性でいることの喜びや幸せを呼び覚ましてくれる天然石。 (産地:マダガスカル) |
ヘマタイト【毘沙門天】開眼 精神を強くし、眠っている力を引き出す天然石。 (産地:ブラジル) |
Making beads
Myorinji main hall
Anyone can participate
event date
(We will inform you on our website)
Workshop time
1-2 hours
Reservation method
First-come-first-served basis on the reservation form
All prepared by Myorinji Temple
4-6 people
5,000-10,000 yen
Depends on the material
Making the next red stamp book
May 29th (Sat), 3rd year of Reiwa
From 10:00 to 12:00
Theme "Jpamala let made from natural stone"
Wrist-sized beaded bracelet
Capacity: 6 people
Participation fee: 5,000 yen (all material costs are included)
Efforts of Myorinji Temple
It is said that about one in seven children under the age of 17 living in Japan are in financial difficulty.
The future of children is the future of Japan.
It is the children of today who will support Japan in the future.
Poverty should never close a child's future potential.
Myorin-ji will donate a part of the participation fee to the "Children's Future Support Fund " for the future of Japan for children who are having a hard time due to poverty.